Kibble & Cameras! Wisconsin Pet Photographer captures your best friends…

My standard fashion plate

When the weather gets nippy, Truman jumps into his box o’ hats, and has a field day. It takes him FOREVER to pick out a hat before he goes outdoors. OK,  I’ll admit, he did have a bit of help with this little photo shoot, but as you can see, it’s not...
Kibble & Cameras! Wisconsin Pet Photographer captures your best friends…

And ChiChi Makes Three

I love to photograph families on location. And goodness knows, I love to photograph dogs! So photographing this family, whose star is a four-year-old Chihuahua, was a delight. Karen and Jim let me have two separate days to photograph ChiChi. We wanted the weather to...

Cyber-Tuesday Contest

Hopefully you’ve all recovered from Black Friday and Cyber-Monday. So it’s time for a Cyber-Tuesday contest. Here’s the deal. Take a gander at the photo of the Thanksgiving dogs below…and match the dog with his/her name. I know what you’re...